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Online Resource Bundles

Incline Learning's research driven lesson design combined with our modular structure and customizable content ensure both short and long term learning occur across the spectrum of innovative learning environments. 

Each daily lesson (ORB) has a consistent structure of 10 learning objective focused resources that parallel Gagné's Events of Human Learning and the standard lesson format that most teachers use to plan.    Research Summary Download


We refer to each of these instructional resources or "bits" of the lesson as ORBits.

We built ORB content with the specific purpose of creating the highest quality curriculum by re-engineering how instructional content is written and delivered. 


This was accomplished by deconstructing the categories of Introduction, Instruction and Assessment into resources (ORBits) that match proven classroom practices and learning research.




A brief overview of each category and related ORBits:


ORBits are designed to set the stage for effective learning and provide real time visual representations of each student’s prior knowledge.


Interactive Prerequisite


Objective and Introduction


ORBits provide the teacher with resources designed to target instruction at the appropriate entry point and level for each student.

Instructional Tier 1


Instructional Tier 2



Instructional Tier 3



ORBits encourage student reflection and agency, measure student performance and ensure appropriate practice after instruction. 







ORB is the first comprehensive curriculum designed to enable the Art of Teaching by applying the Science of Learning. 


Incline Learning's research driven lesson design combined with our modular structure and customizable content ensure both short and long term learning occur across the spectrum of innovative learning environments. Learn more about what differentiates ORB from other digital resources here.

Tel: 412-444-8347


© 2021 by Incline Learning, Inc. 

PO Box 435

Morgan, PA 15064

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